Blogging BOF at VisWeek 2011
Enrico Bertini and I are organizing a birds-of-a-feather meeting on blogging. Due to some miscommunication, this has turned into two venues, one being the BOF, the other a dinner or drinks or a dinner with drinks or something. Anyway, if you’re going to VisWeek, you should definitely attend.
Blogging BOF
The BOF is a bit better defined. It will take place onTuesday from 4:15 to 5:55 in the Bristol room. We will talk about blogging, how to get started, how to keep it going, etc. This will be very much drive by the audience, so be prepared to ask some questions!
If you are interested in starting your own visualization blog, you have one but nobody knows about it, or you’re thinking about starting one, come and ask questions, learn, and participate! Topics are not limited to blogs, we can also talk about Twitter and other social media. It only depends on your interests!
Dinner, Drinks, etc.
Later that day, at 7pm, we’ll meet in the hotel lobby and head out to dinner together. If the formality of the BOF scares you, this might be the venue for you. It’s going to be fun, and it looks like we’ll have a sizable group of people. We did a tiny version of this last year, when we were kicked out of the room for our evening blogging BOF, and it was great despite the small number of people there.
Enrico has started a Google Group to discuss the logistics of the dinner.
VisWeek Coverage
Speaking of Blogging, I’m going to tweet again from the conference, and I will try to write a few slightly longer posts on Google+. The twitter hashtag is #VisWeek.
Posted by Robert Kosara on October 19, 2011. Filed under VisWeek.